
Posts uit mei, 2021 tonen

The Dragons and the Snakes: hoe de tegenstanders van het Westen zich hebben aangepast

In The Dragons and the Snakes geeft de bekende Australische antropoloog-krijgskundige- guerrilla deskundige dr. David Kilcullen een fascinerend kijkje in de manier waarop vooral Rusland en China zich de afgelopen twee decennia hebben weten aan te passen aan de westerse manier van oorlogvoering.

EUSS - A Strategic Compass for EU defence: What implications for the European defence industry?

The recently published EUISS report '' A Strategic Compass for EU defence: What implications for the European defence industry? '' offers a clear and concise overview of the interaction that is necessary between the EU Strategic Compass and technological organization and investment.

Formatiebrief 2021 - geleidelijke integratie EU defensie

Alleen door geleidelijke integratie van krijgsmachten op Europees niveau kan een passend antwoord worden gegeven op toegenomen dreiging en steeds complexere technologie die Defensie nodig heeft. Eurodefense Nederland heeft daarom aan de kabinetsinformateur voorgesteld om in Europees verband in te zetten op gezamenlijke snel inzetbare EU-eenheden en op de gezamenlijke ontwikkeling van nieuwe technologieën en kostbare systemen. Dit kan op kleine schaal beginnen. Financiering op EU niveau door bijvoorbeeld het Europese Defensie Fonds kan dit mogelijk maken zonder verschuivingen in nationale budgetten en de lastige onderhandelingen die daarvoor met 26 lidstaten nodig zijn. Ere-voorzitter en oud minister van defensie Dr. Wim van Eekelen : "Om te bewegen in het krachtenveld van groeiende geopolitieke competitie zijn direct inzetbare EU eenheden nodig, die zonder maandenlange complexe onderhandelingen direct kunnen worden ingezet. Dit is van vitaal belang wanneer Europese landen als Ned...

Must read: Handbook on CSDP The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union (fourth edition)

We would like to bring to your attention the highly informative Handbook on CSDP The Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Union (fourth edition). 

Marching to where? The operational dimension of the EU Strategic Compass

On 28 April a seminar by the  Clingendael, EUISS, and Delors Center institutes concluded among other things:  EU Battle Groups s are being analyzed to see if they can better contribute to EU operations.

Webinar on improved European Defence Cooperation - 6 May 17:30-19:30

  On Thursday 6 May | 17:30-19:30 CEST   Eurodefense   organised an important webinar titled  'Breaking the Impasse'  on our policy proposal for the future of European defence cooperation.  Revisit the webinar on Youtube

Foreign Affairs Council (Defence), 6 May 2021 - Steps in the Right Direction

Eurodefense Netherlands welcomes developments in today's EU Foreign Affairs Council which state that;  The Council discussion based on the proposal of the High Representative highlighted the need for more flexibility to better adapt the EU's civilian and military missions to the needs in each crisis, including through enhanced coordination and cooperation with other military operations conducted in ad hoc coalitions by member states or other partners. Above all, we are happy to once again signal a serious discussion on EU capabilities to prepare and respond to a crisis: Ministers also touched on the need for the EU to have having fully equipped and prepared staff to react quickly to crisis. In this context, the idea of an initial entry force that could be deployed as “first responder” in an urgent crisis was discussed. Read more about the Council conclusions on Photo by: European Parliament (flickr)