Arms export control and the trilateral agreement

The absence of a common and harmonised arms export control in the European Union is an issue complicating Member State (MS) exports of military equipment already for a long time. Major combat systems can only be exported when all member MS originating equipment allow the OEM to do so. Sometimes also transport across another MS is also complicated by export limitations of that particular MS. A Eurodefense working group (EWG35) researched this issue in the spring of 2024. Their report contains the following conclusions and recommendations and was endorsed by the Eurodefense Presidents Council on 22 May 2024: 1. Solid control of arms export is a major government responsibility of our respective Member States, but, if cleared, strong coordinated political support as well is desirable in a very competitive environment. 2. T o achieve a critical mass for our defence industries, arms exports to third countries are of critical importance, just as the progressive establishment of...