
Posts uit maart, 2022 tonen

Ukraine statement by EURODEFENSE presidents

The 15 presidents of the EURODEFENSE network of defence and security specialists across Europe, meeting today, 28 March 2022: Condemn in the strongest possible terms the invasion of Ukraine. Congratulate and admire the Ukrainian people for their courage in the face of Russian aggression Note the rapid reaction of the European Union and nations in their support of Ukraine Recognise that further massive European aid will be necessary to support refugees and to rebuild Ukraine Welcome the commitment of European nations to accelerate meeting or exceeding their NATO spending targets Believe that a collective approach to defence, security and resilience is more important than ever. Resolve to continue with renewed urgency the network’s studies on practical steps for mutual defence.

The EuroDéfense Network has started its very own podcast!

In these episodes our hosts Joost van Iersel and Frédéric Mauro will offer fresh new insights into topics of E uropean   security  cooperation. In the first three episodes we are introduced to our hosts, who also talk about the state of security affairs in their respective countries; The Netherlands and France. In the last episode they both share their vision on European  StrategicAutonomy . Listen to the first three episodes on Soundcloud , Youtube , or Spotify .