
Posts uit april, 2021 tonen

Der Spiegel - Olaf Scholtz spreekt zich uit voor een EU- leger

Onlangs heeft de Duitse kanselier-kandidaat van de SPD Olaf Scholz zich uitgesproken voor een EU-leger. Hoewel deze ideeën volgens hem vooralsnog als ''toekomstmuziek'' zijn, resoneren de door hem voorgestelde plannen met de bevindingen van de EDNL werkgroep 27. Speerpunten in zijn visie zijn onder andere dat de troepenmacht onder het bevel staat van de Europese Unie ter versterking van nationale capaciteiten. Eveneens in lijn met de door Eurodefense uitgebrachte adviezen zou deze troepenmacht klein kunnen beginnen. Om dit te bewerkstelligen is het van het hoogste belang dat de initiatieven democratisch zijn ingebed terwijl de logge unanieme beslissingsmakingsprocedures worden verlaten.  Lees meer over dit voorstel in Der Spiegel  Photo Credits: Flickr, SPD Schleswig-Holstein  2.0 Generic   (CC BY 2.0)

Permanent Representation of The Netherlands to the European Union - Non-paper on strategic autonomy while preserving an open economy

Eurodefense Netherlands welcomes the ideas put forward in the Spanish-Dutch non paper on strategic autonomy.  ''More than ever, it is necessary to reach a consensus on how to strengthen Europe’s open strategic autonomy in order to make Europe a global player that is resilient and in charge of its own future. Strategic autonomy does not mean isolation or retreat, but, rather, a reformulation of how to understand sovereignty, advancing towards operational sovereignty, i.e. the capacity to promote an agenda of its own.'' Read more about this non-paper on the  Permanent Representation's website Photo :  Foto BZ | Aad Meijer (C C BY-SA 2.0)

EUISS - How the US does foresight: the United States’ difficulty in accepting multipolarity

The  Global Trends  series  became in the mid-1990s the chief US government vehicle for thinking 15-to-20 years into the future.  Besides the Quarterly Defense Review, the National Security Strategy (NSS) deals with the future and is a prime vehicle for administrations to project a vision for the country. T he White House’s National Security Council, which drafts the NSS, typically relies on the  Global Trends  works and other long-range analysis conducted by the Intelligence Community to explain what measures the nation must undertake to prepare for the future. These foresights show that m uch of mainstream foreign policy thinking still sees the US as the only power with the authority (and right) to set the rules for the whole international system.  Multipolarity remains an unfathomable concept for much of the US foreign policy elite, an d US primacy is seen as the only way to protect US national interests.  Despite this solid bedrock, the US gov...