EURODEFENSE Webinar - 1 october 2021, European Green Deal and Defence


The webinar “European Green Deal and Defence” will take place on the 1st october, from 18:00 to 19:30  (Brussels time).  

The event is organized by the EURODEFENSE EWG 1b working group with the aim of presenting and  discussing the findings of the European working group 26b ‘’Energy, Climate, Security and Defence’’.  

Click here to register for the upcoming EURODEFENSE webinar:

The link to the meeting will follow a few days before the meeting starts 


18:00 | Welcome by Mr Patrice Mompeyssin 

Acting Secretary-General of the EURODEFENSE Network  

Patrice Mompeyssin is Brigadier General (2S) and Secretary-General of the  

EURODEFENSE Network, with a long and rich career at EuroDéfense France and  

in the French Army. Graduated at the renowned Academy of Saint-Cyr, he had  

throughout his career numerous command missions in France and abroad, both  

in the service of the French Army and NATO. Specialist in weapons systems, he  

has participated in several tests of new equipment. 

18:05 | Panel presentation  

18:05 | “Energy, Climate, Security and Defence: The new geopolitical  challenge for Europe’’ 

Mr. Eduardo Caetano de Sousa (Portugal)  

Eduardo Caetano de Sousa is Colonel of the Portuguese Army (retired), Energy  

Geopolitics Analyst and EuroDéfense Portugal Board Member. He has a master’s  

degree in International Relations/Diplomatic Policy. He is author of several books,  

articles and reports on Geopolitics, Energy and History. He is usually invited as  

lecturer for Higher Institutes and Universities and other institutions, in the context  

of Energy Geopolitics conferences and debates.

18:20 | “What kind of measures are needed to insure compatibility  between the EU and Member-States Defence requirements and  the "European Green Deal"?’’ 

Mr. Jean-Charles Boulat (France)  

Jean-Charles Boulat is an EuroDéfense France Board member. He was Director of  European Affairs & NATO at Naval Group from 2012 to 2020. He was Chairman  of Economic, Legal and Trade Commission of the AeroSpace & Defense  Association of Europe. He worked for Thomson-CSF and Thales. He is member of  several associations of maritime defense (SEA Europe, Board of Euroyards, GIFAS  Commission Affairs European).  

18:35 | “The new energy geography’’ 

Mr. Juan López Díaz (Spain)  

Juan Angel Lopez Diaz is a EuroDéfense Spain Board member. He was born in  Neda (La Coruña) in 1954. He is a Spanish Marine Corps Colonel (retired). He has  commanded units in all the ranks and served under several forces: Spanish Army,  NATO, Eurofor/Euromarforce, Eurocorp, UN Stand–By Forces. He was Coms  specialist, chief of Amphibious course and Coms teaching area in the Marines  School and he did the Navy Staff Course, the Joint Staff Course and the NATO  Defence College Course in Rome. He was UNMO in ByH and Defence Attache in  Pretoria (South Africa), Angola, Mozambique, Namibia and Lesotho. He is  member of Naval Thinking Group in the Spanish Naval Warfare College in Madrid.  He wrote and collaborated on several books and is the author of several articles  in his area. 

18:50 | “Energy Transition as an Operational Advantage for the Military’’ Mr. Jan Wind (Netherlands)  

Jan Wind is EuroDéfense Netherlands Board member, president of the Federation  of European Defence Technology Associations (EDTA) and Chairman of the  Defence & Security division of the Royal Netherlands Society of Engineers (KIVI).  He joined the Netherlands Navy in 1973. He specialized in electronic engineering  at the Royal Netherlands Naval College and the Technical University of Delft. He  also followed the Advanced Staff Course at the Naval Staff College and the  International Relations course at the Clingendael Institute. During his 35-year  career as an officer in the Netherlands Navy, he led numerous national and  international projects at the Netherlands Ministry of Defence, to establish new  capabilities for the Netherlands armed forces, often in international cooperation.  Among his many positions were “Financial controller of naval materiel”, “Director  of naval weapon and communication systems” and “Director of R&D and  knowledge transfer for the armed forces”. After retirement from the Navy, he  joined KIVI, where he is Defence and Security chairman. Connected to that  position he is president of EDTA. He founded WISER Consultancy, a company  focusing on innovation in funding for defence, using debt and equity instruments.  

Moderator | Miss Ani Davidova (Portugal)  

Ani Davidova is a member of EuroDéfense-Jovem Portugal. She has a degree in  Political Science & International Relations from NOVA FCSH Lisboa and she is a  Master student in Security & Justice at Lusíada Lisboa Law School. She followed  the Advanced Programme in Crisis Management at the Military University  Institute with the Institute of Political Studies of the Catholic University, and she  was an intern at the Young Educators - European Association, performing project  management functions. She is a member of the Board of One Hour for Europe  Lisbon, where she is responsible for the organisation's bureaucratic activities, as  well as for the collection and maintenance of the local team's data.  

19:05 – 19:30 | Debate 

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