
Posts uit juni, 2021 tonen

EDNL - Selectief opinieonderzoek door de Atlantische Commissie doet afbreuk aan geloofwaardige Europese defensiesamenwerking

‘’Draagvlak voor Europese defensiesamenwerking in vrije val’’ prijkt de ondertitel van het Kantar opinieonderzoek dat in opdracht van de Atlantische Commissie is uitgevoerd. Maar klopt deze bevinding wel?  Uitgangspunt van dit onderzoek was om de kennis en houding van Nederlanders ten aanzien van de NAVO in beeld te brengen. Dit resulteerde in een onmiskenbaar positief resultaat; 7 op de 10 mensen ziet de alliantie als een positieve bijdrage aan de relatie tussen de VS en Nederland. De conclusies die de commissie trekt over Europese veiligheidssamenwerking staan daarentegen op losse grond. Allereerst kan het onderzoek op weinig representativiteit bogen – wat voor uitspraak kan worden gemaakt over draagvlak wanneer 40 tot 50% van de participanten meldt het antwoord op de vraag niet te weten of zich er neutraal tegenover de verhoudt?  Schrijnender nog is dat een letterlijke vraag naar draagvlak voor Europese defensiesamenwerking nooit aan de participanten is gesteld. De vragen d...

EDNL - De illusie van soevereiniteit

Een Europees leger zou een wonder vereisen, en wonderen bestaan niet - stelt Generaal Martin Wijnen in zijn interview met het NRC . Europese defensie integratie is echter helemaal niet zo vergezocht, vindt Eurodefense Nederland. De eerste stap daarbij is het doorbreken van illusies.

A more martial Europe? Public opinion, permissive consensus, and EU defence policy

Public support for EU defence has been dismissed as mere “permissive consensus”, rather than genuine support. The assumption that public opinion towards European integration is passive and shallow, especially over foreign policy issues, is contested in a paper by. K. Schildea, S. Andersonb, and A. Garner . They demonstrate that, contrary to the logic permissive concensus, the European publics have held coherent preferences over the use of force at the European level. They conclude that the slow progress of integration in this area is due to the reluctance of elites rather than to the reticence of Europe’s citizens. Photo credits: Aad Meijer, Flickr

A Strong Ally Stretched Thin, An Overview of France's Defense Capabilities from a Burdensharing Perspective

The French military currently is one of Western Europe’s most capable, and it boasts a range of capabilities that enable it to engage in the full spectrum of operations, including high-intensity conventional warfare against a peer adversary. In this report , RAND researchers examine the role that the French military might play as a coalition partner in a hypothetical high intensity conventional conflict in Europe. Researchers drew on a wide range of publications in French and English, as well as on conversations with French defense experts to understand not just the French military’s capabilities and capacity to wage war in general but also its ability to wage high-intensity conventional warfare in particular. Photo credits: Contando Estrelas, Flickr.

Technological Sovereignty and the European Union - An Overview

The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerability of international supply chains and the importance of technological sovereignty. But where do the dependencies of the European Union lie and what can be done to alleviate its accompanying insecurities?  The EUISS'  Panel for the Future of Science and Technology offers a comprehensive overview .  Photo credits: Bernard Spragg, Flickr

The Center for American Progress - The Case for EU Defense A New Way Forward for Trans-Atlantic Security Relations

A strong Europe makes for a stronger NATO. The Center for American Progress makes the case for the United States supporting defence cooperation in the European Union. ''Europe’s military strength today is far weaker than the sum of its parts. This is not just a European failure; it is also fundamentally a failure of America’s post-Cold War strategy toward Europe—a strategy that remains virtually unchanged since the 1990s.