IISS - No consolation prizes for a lack of European aerospace consolidation

While the European Union’s defence-aerospace ambitions are clear, industrial fragmentation and conflicting national imperatives continue to act as impediments within the sector, explain Douglas Barrie and Niklas Ebert from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. This continues to provide the United States with a large window of opportunity in the European market. 

Taken on a case-by-case basis, recent European procurement decisions to buy from the United States make sense. Taken collectively, they raise uncomfortable questions for Europe’s defence-aerospace ambitions, both political and industrial. European industrial fragmentation combined with conflicting national imperatives continue to act as impediments to the sector, irrespective of European Union defence and security ambitions. These factors also continue to gift the US opportunities in the European market.

Boeing P-8A Poseidon US Navy VX-1
Photo Credits: Aceebee (Flickr)

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